Professional Learning

Professional learning is the means by which teachers, administrators, and other school and district employees acquire, enhance or refine the knowledge, skills, and commitment necessary to create and support high levels of learning for all students.  Professional learning is aligned with, and an integral part of, the district and comprehensive school improvement plan which addresses the assessed needs of all students, as well as school and district personnel. 

Professional learning, professional development, staff development and in-service training are synonymous terms.  In order for students to learn and perform at high levels, educators must be learning virtually all of the time.  Optimal professional learning is standards-based, results-driven, systemic, ongoing and embedded into the daily routine of educators.  The purpose of professional learning is quality learning and superior performance for all students and staff. 

Guidelines and Forms


Department Staff

Sharon Moore

Director of Professional Learning

Phone: (478) 988-6228, ext. 2944

Fax: (470) 781-6833


Rosie Swan

Secretary of Professional Learning

Phone: (478) 988-6228, ext. 2945

Fax: (470) 781-6833
